Archive for the ‘Case Study’ Category

Women 4 Women Luncheon Takes a Leap Forward


Women 4 Women, an organization dedicated to the health and well-being of women and girls in the local community, turned to Tandem to help plan, promote and execute a luncheon fundraiser for over 1,300 people.


The strategy was to raise organizational awareness, understanding and financial contributions through streamlined messaging, interactive program elements, aggressive advertising and media relations.


The luncheon boasted record high attendance and double the previous year’s financial contributions of $45,000. Additionally, the program gained tremendous exposure within the community.

Designing the Right Campaign for The Lee W. Robinson Company


The Lee W. Robinson Company, a prominent interior design firm, needed a strong, visual communications campaign to showcase their services, and demonstrate their specialized approach to each client.


Tandem worked with the client to create an unexpected “get-noticed” campaign that communicated an element of sophistication and elegance. A recognizable brand element – a woman in a little black dress – was integrated into every communications vehicle from invitations to advertising.


In conjunction with a public relations outreach campaign, earned media and the recognizable brand element, awareness of the firm’s service was increased among existing and potential clients. Sales have grown exponentially over the last 3 years.

The Kentucky Center Becomes the Hottest Ticket in Town


The Kentucky Center has been a Louisville institution for 25 years, but the increased presence of competing arts groups meant that the Center needed to find a way to stand out and amongst the throng. An aggressive media relations strategy was required to communicate the diverse program of shows, develop outreach beyond the usual audience, and cultivate positive media relationships with editors, writers and reporters.


Tandem crafted a plan to drive interest in the Kentucky Center’s offerings through established relationships with local entertainment media contacts. The aggressive media outreach included arranging media interviews with performers, coordinating a government relations program to support state-funding initiatives and guiding the client on best practices for external communications activities.


Tandem’s plan resulted in a constant stream of entertainment media coverage, with Kentucky Center shows gracing the cover of Louisville’s major daily newspaper weekend section a total of six times over an eight month period. Additionally, a constant stream of coverage in local publications and radio and TV program appearances provided a strong communications stream to support the Center’s offerings. As a result of these efforts – ticket sales during the 2007-2008 show season saw an increase compared to the previous year.

High Style Surfing on the Joseph’s Salon and Spa Dynamic New Website


Joseph’s Salon and Spa needed to upgrade their web site so current and potential clients could read about services, products and specials, and to purchase gift cards. In addition, the site needed to captivate visitors in a unique and compelling way.


Tandem enhanced the site with a photo tour, online newsletters and feature stories, including monthly makeovers and lifestyle content designed to engage site visitors, building customer loyalty, repeat visitors and inviting them to join the Joseph’s community.


Thanks to the approach of appealing to customers with information they are interested in, the site’s ability to engage visitors resulted in an increase in both website traffic and online purchases.

25 Years of Governor’s Scholars


The Governor’s Scholars Program, a free five-week intensive summer learning program for rising high school juniors wanted to take advantage of its 25th Anniversary to increase awareness of GSP’s mission and offerings and attract support from alumni and parents.


Tandem Public Relations implemented a one year campaign designed to build awareness of the program through a kick off press event, a prominent op-ed feature in the state’s largest newspaper, The Courier-Journal, in addition to enhancements such as creating consistent communications materials, aggressive and ongoing media outreach and an e-blast program designed to “capture” alumni no longer in touch with the program.


The kick off press conference and op-ed gave GSP the most coverage it had received in years. The consistent look and feel of collateral materials offered a professional image designed to appeal to potential participants, donors and community leaders. The monthly e-blasts gave the program a much needed forum for communicating with over 7,000 alumni on a regular basis.

Gifted Gets Creative with a Unique Twist on Gift Buying Services


Gifted, a gift concierge service focused on proprietary gift selection, needed to establish itself as the purveyor of deluxe custom gifts.


Tandem worked with Gifted to create a more successful gift giving experience by taking time to understand the recipient. Gifted helps their client create a recipient profile, from which they are placed in one of seven unique categories that Tandem helped classify, such as “The Adventurist,” “The Wanderlust” and “The Nester.” Based on the classification, a list of potential gifts is provided to the client.


Gifted is an interesting and well designed service that makes the gift-giving experience simple, but always significant.

Champions 4 Her Picks Up the Pace for Women and Girls


Champions 4 Her Walk, Run & Festival was designed to raise funds, awareness and most importantly, to build a local movement dedicated to improving the health and economic well-being of local women and girls. The organizers enlisted the help of Tandem to plan, market and execute this first-ever single day event of its kind in Louisville, one that brought ten mission-aligned organizations together for a single cause.


Tandem developed a multi-platform marketing campaign, themed “Pick up the pace for women and girls, Louisville,” that not only engaged traditional outlets—print, radio and television—but also made grassroots gains in the form of half-time presentations at college basketball games, online donation drives and word-of-mouth strategy.


Through aggressive media relations, event planning and coordination, and general publicity, Tandem was able to help Champions 4 Her Walk, Run & Festival exceed their initial fundraising and attendance goals.

A Website Makeover for Clodhopper’s Boutique


When Clodhoppers clothing boutique relocated to a historic space and expanded product volume, they turned to Tandem to help them back up their investment with a more robust online presence.


Tandem helped design a website that captured the boutique’s sense of style. The stylish website features an online press room, featured artists page, online gift card purchasing and store information.


The online branded presence purposely mirrors the look and feel of the in-store experience. The site actively tells the Clodhoppers story, showcasing their exclusive clothing lines, the influence of local artists and nostalgic references into the old Vogue Theater building – a Louisville landmark.

A Smart Way to Launch a smart car


Sam Swope Auto Group wanted to capitalize on its unique position as the only regional dealership offering the smart fortwo – a hotly anticipated fuel efficiency vehicle that had already ignited interest in the national media as it made its way to America’s shores.


Tandem developed a launch awareness program designed to tap into the public’s curiosity by making the vehicle available for view at a popular downtown lunch spot, and provided a closer look through an online news story complete with a video segment featuring a test drive, owner interviews. In addition, the public was invited to a day-long open house designed to further increase their comfort level with the unique new vehicle.


The dealership was featured on all four local television stations, the local daily paper covered the car’s arrival in print with two stories and with an online feature including video clips of the smart fortwo in action. The coverage energized existing public interest and drew large crowds to the Saturday open-house/test drive event.

Lovey Logo Scores a Perfect 10


New to the couture athletic apparel arena, Lovey needed a logo that communicated the unique positioning of the brand.


Tandem worked with Lovey to reinforce the fashionable, feminine and sporty image with a logo that reflected these qualities. (need more information)


The result was the designation as “All-American Court Couture”, and a logo that is well received and highly visible among athletic “tween and teen” females.