Helping clients move forward by being over backwards.

A Smart Way to Launch a smart car


Sam Swope Auto Group wanted to capitalize on its unique position as the only regional dealership offering the smart fortwo – a hotly anticipated fuel efficiency vehicle that had already ignited interest in the national media as it made its way to America’s shores.


Tandem developed a launch awareness program designed to tap into the public’s curiosity by making the vehicle available for view at a popular downtown lunch spot, and provided a closer look through an online news story complete with a video segment featuring a test drive, owner interviews. In addition, the public was invited to a day-long open house designed to further increase their comfort level with the unique new vehicle.


The dealership was featured on all four local television stations, the local daily paper covered the car’s arrival in print with two stories and with an online feature including video clips of the smart fortwo in action. The coverage energized existing public interest and drew large crowds to the Saturday open-house/test drive event.